Leveraging data and business intelligence to its greatest extent using the Cloud

Using business intelligence cloud services to manage your company is the best way to transform data around your organization into powerful insights. The information gathered through a business intelligence cloud environment gives you the tools you need to interpret the data in a way that can help create measurable goals. As well, the continuous analysis of the data from your cloud platform can give you a solid benchmark on how effective you are at achieving your business objectives.

Storing data and providing data analytics can be a challenge, but with the help of cloud services, this can become an incredible asset to any business.

Your Data and You

You’re already aware of the importance of data. Data is the currency of success in today’s modern economy. However, there are even more data sources today than ever before, making it a daunting task to process. So much so that the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts the global datasphere will grow from 40 Zettabytes Of Data In 2019 To 175 Zettabytes In 2025. That’s why it’s so important to employ the proper tools to ease your data processes and ultimately save you money with a customized cloud platform (like CloudKeySM).

Leveraging Data

The cloud gives you the ability to gather and collect data on a larger scale for further analysis. This is aided by a cloud platform delivering automated services that don’t require additional hardware. Along with ease of storage and consolidation of data, business analytics capabilities can provide better organization that aids in future analysis and breakdown.

Business Intelligence

The cloud offers a better way to sort, compare, and review data for companies to make more efficient and cost-effective choices. Using these tools can help your business make more informed decisions and achieve a variety of goals – not just for top management, but for front-line employees as well. Some of the common functions include reporting, analytics, mining, and benchmarking. Through these functions, insights can be obtained to create more efficient business practices that can be shared on all levels.

Cloud Tools for Data

Data can come from a variety of sources, both internally and externally, to create a more robust picture of business intelligence. Global IP Networks can provide the cloud services to help achieve better data analytics, enhance business intelligence, and ultimately make your business more efficient. Contact us today and connect with a cloud expert that can show you how you can customize our CloudKeySM platform to leverage your most valuable asset – your data.

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