Speed and security from essential redundancy

Built-in redundancy means you are multi-site from day one.

Every company relies on their ability to deliver services quickly. If you’re not doing it in a timely manner, some other organization will come along and do it better, faster. There’s always a demand to ensure that you stay on top of your deliverables and minimize interruptions. Should the worst happen, and a disaster occurs to disrupt services, it’s nice to know that the damage can be minimized with the right tools.

The right security tools and greater functionality are exactly what CloudKey is proud to offer every single one of its clients. A key feature of the CloudKey platform is the ability to have your live workload multi-site from day one. This feature is simple to enable unlike other cloud providers. Built-in redundancy means that you can rely on greater data integrity and data security from CloudKey to give you and your organization greater peace of mind.

How does this incredible capacity work?

In a seamless fashion, CloudKey is able to keep your data live and running even in the event of a localized disaster that would normally knock you out of commission. This is achieved by minimizing the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and the Recovery Time Objective (RTO). Every disaster has a point of occurrence – the point in time where the interruption to business happened. From this point, we can measure the RPO and RTO to assess where the acceptable limits exist.

For RPO, the measurement helps establish the acceptable amount of data that can be lost from the point of incident since the last backup of data. This is considered the data loss tolerance and can be a huge factor in how well a company can take an interruption.

On the other side of the point of interruption is the RTO. The RTO measures how much time something can be out of commission before it starts to negatively affect the business. For any organization, the time it takes to get back up and running is critical to staying reliable.

With CloudKey, the RTO and RPO of any organization is reduced to an imperceptible amount. Consumers would be hard pressed to notice an interruption, if any, to the services they rely on from your organization. If some kind of disaster were to befall your company, it’s nice to know that you would have the measurements in place to keep your data secure and reliable.

CloudKey is here for you

This feature is just one of many that CloudKey offers. It truly is a complete and capable cloud platform that competes with any other with its efficient price structure. By making key aspects, like multi-site replication a readily available feature, along with giving you the ability to customize the configuration to your exact specifications, CloudKey is able to provide a robust and comprehensive cloud platform for any organization.

Compare our prices with the hyperscale providers at CloudKey.io to see how you can save today. Just a few minutes of your time offers an entire future of cloud savings.

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